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blister packing machine

Tablet Press Machine

--Also called as multi-station tablet press, can efficiently press powder or granules into tablets with different sizes and shapes.

--According to different needs, with customized dies, the tablets can be pressed into such as round, triangle, ring, special-shaped and multi color or layer.


Common Ring Special Shaped

كيف تعمل آلة ضغط الأقراص

نماذج آلات ضغط الأقراص

نموذج 17 29 د
26/50 د
51/99 د
O utput (قطعة / ساعة) 35000 75000 330،000 950،000
ضغط الثقب (KN) 60 100 150 + 150 150 + 150
أقصى قطر (مم) 18 24 10 10
أقصى سمك (مم) 6 12 8 8
الوزن (كجم) 500 1600 1،660 5،510

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